Portfolio Based Lines of Credit Executive Capital Finance represents a US investment banking firm that secures lines of credit for
small and medium sized US businesses. The lender provides a securities based
line of credit which is founded on the same principles as a standard margin
loan but with a much higher (70 - 90%) loan to asset value and lower
interest rates. The process is funded and managed by major global banking and
brokerage institutions and shares remain 100% titled in the clients name. Eligible securities are listed in the right hand column of this page. Securities Capital can be used for any legal purpose (other than the purchase of additional marginable securities) including franchise or business financing, real estate investment financing, debt restructuring transactions or even the purchase of luxury items. The product has many features, including but not limited to:
How does this get me the best securities loan on the market? Working relationships with major banking and brokerage institutions around the world and a thorough knowledge of each of their products make this possible. The firm will analyze your securities portfolio and specific needs and then go to work to produce the best rates and terms available in the marketplace.
Contact us by email at: info@executivecapitalfinance.com There are no upfront fees or costs involved with securities based lines of credit. Request an application today. |
Grow Your Company
“We believe that real estate construction projects with sufficient pro-forma income and experienced developers with exceptional ideas deserve to be rewarded with innovative financial products combined with an outstanding customer service experience and backed by established, capable and reputable private financial institutions that fulfill a need in todays lending marketplace.”
Eligible Securities include:
Non-Eligible Securities include:
Contact us by email at: info@executivecapitalfinance.com or fill out the Form below
Please complete the form below and a principal will contact you within 48 hours to discuss your options. Thank you for your interest in our company.
Last updated on 03/27/17
All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice
This website is for informational purposes only and is not a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any securities, nor a solicitation of investment funds or placement. The information on this website does not represent the policies of any bank or financial institution, is not intended as a confirmation of any transaction, and does not consist of any legal, securities or tax related advice.
Executive Capital Finance not a direct or correspondent lender, realtor, mortgage broker, certified financial advisory firm, securities brokerage firm or a stock brokerage firm. Executive Capital Finance is a business consultancy firm that facilitates private business transactions and provides consulting services to businesses and individuals on or about private business matters.