Updates from ECF
Grow Your Company
“We believe that real estate construction projects with sufficient pro-forma income and experienced developers with exceptional ideas deserve to be rewarded with innovative financial products combined with an outstanding customer service experience and backed by established, capable and reputable private financial institutions that fulfill a need in todays lending marketplace.”
Notable Transactions:
Engaged / Closed
$365,000 Unsecured Term Loan to purchase tooling for an aircraft engine re-manufacturer.
$1,000,000 Purchase Order Funding for a metals manufacturing company to provide capital for procurement of goods and services for resale.
$75,000 Unsecured Term Loan for a driving school acquisition by a larger driving school.
$250,000 Equipment Purchase and Lease for tooling acquired by a manufacturing facility.
$4,000,000 Debt Capital for the purchase of a leased assisted living facility for an operator/developer.
$87,000,000 Debt and Equity Capital to facilitate the acquisition of existing and the construction of new assisted living facilities over a 5 year period for an owner/operator and developer.
$11,000,000 JV Equity Capital to facilitate the construction of a new assisted living facility complex for an owner/operator and developer.
$35,000,000 Debt Capital to facilitate the recapitalization of a mixed use master planned community for an owner/operator and developer.
In Progress
$27,500,000 Debt Capital to facilitate the construction of a luxury assisted living/memory care facility for an owner/operator and developer.
$7,750,000 Debt Capital to purchase aircraft and provide working capital for an aviation charter company.
$17,500,000 Equity and Debt Capital to facilitate the construction of a new assisted living/memory care facility for an owner/operator and developer.
$45,500,000 Equity and Debt Capital to facilitate the construction of a new independent living / assisted living / memory care facility for a owner / operator / developer.
$46,000,000 Equity and Debt Capital to facilitate the construction of a mixed use sports / hospitality facility.
$126,000,000 Equity and Debt Capital to facilitate the recap, entitlement and construction of the first phase of a mixed use sports / hospitality facility.
In Discussion
$250,000,000 Line of Credit to create a fund for the financing of residential solar leases over a 2 year period for a financial services company.
$250,000 Debt Capital to purchase machinery and inventory for a golf ball re-manufacturing company.
$7,000,000 Purchase Order Funding for an aeronautics manufacturer to provide capital for procurement of goods and services for resale.
Last updated on 03/27/17
All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice
This website is for informational purposes only and is not a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any securities, nor a solicitation of investment funds or placement. The information on this website does not represent the policies of any bank or financial institution, is not intended as a confirmation of any transaction, and does not consist of any legal, securities or tax related advice.
Executive Capital Finance not a direct or correspondent lender, realtor, mortgage broker, certified financial advisory firm, securities brokerage firm or a stock brokerage firm. Executive Capital Finance is a business consultancy firm that facilitates private business transactions and provides consulting services to businesses and individuals on or about private business matters.